There will be three essay competitions for the current Columbian year.

Group A: Supreme Essay Competition. “Catholic Citizenship” – 8th thru 12th grades Group B: California State Essay. “Catholic Stewardship” – 4th thru 7th grades  Group C: California. “Keep Christ In Christmas” Essay – 8th thru 12th grades

The purpose of the essays is to promote an awareness of responsibility and accountability of the students in their Catholic education. Involvement is quite easy and helps develop a relationship between your Council and the youth of the community. The students and their parents become aware of the Knights and their role and involvement in today’s society. Start by contacting all the Catholic school principals, Parish Faith Formation Coordinators (CCD) and the Youth Group Ministries/Coordinators in your parishes. Make them more aware of the ideals on which our Order was founded and they should be willing to participate.

Eligibility: Open to all Catholic/Christian students in public, private or parochial schools. Essay Submissions will fall into three groups.

Group A: Grades 8th thru 12th (Qualifies for submission to State and Supreme)

Group B: Grades 4th thru 7th (for Council, Chapter and State Levels Only – Does Not Advance to Supreme) Group C: Grades 8th thru 12th (for Council, Chapter and State Levels Only – Does Not Advance to Supreme)

Topic for Group A – 8th grade thru 12th grades

“Discuss how trusting in God during a difficult time has helped you or someone you know find the strength

and hope to endure it.” – (This is the Catholic Citizenship topic for the Current Columbian Year)

In an essay 500-750 words consider especially those times when it was a challenge to understand why something was happening. Consider also sharing any lessons about faith and hope you or someone you know may have learned from this experience.

Topics for Group B

4th Grade Topic: “Ways I share My Time, Talents and Treasures at Home, School, and in My Church Community”

5th Grade Topic: “In my life, who have been my Spiritual Role Models and Why?” 6th Grade Topic: “How do I live Jesus’ Teaching, “To Love Thy Neighbor?”

7th Grade Topic: “How My Catholic / Christian School Education has influenced My Personal Values”

Topic for Group C – 8th grade thru 12th grade

“How do you keep Jesus as the FOCUS during the Christmas season”

This Essay program is part of the “Keep Christ In Christmas” project. Family Programs The Supreme Competition Kit (Group A) can be ordered thru found on the State website under Resources, Forms, Council Forms. The Entry forms for Group B & C can be downloaded from the State Website under Forms .



Awards are strongly encouraged and recommended at the Council/Chapter levels for Group A & B & C. Presenting the awards at a regular school assembly or at a Mass (with the pastor’s permission) enhances our reputation as a Catholic family organization and provides a special recruitment opportunity.

Group A (8th through 12th Grade) State level – 1st Place plaque for each Grade Level Plus $100 Gift card

Group B (4 th through 7 th Grade) California Only State Level – 1st Place Plaque for each grade level Plus

$100 Gift card

Group C (8 th through 12 th Grade) California Only State Level – 1st Place Plaque for each Grade Level Plus

$100 Gift card

Essay Rules Group A

  1. The essay will be 500-700 words, typed and double-spaced.
  2. The top essay from each grade will be scored by the Council Chairman and submitted to the Chapter Chairman for Group
  3. All Council submissions must have the Supreme essay form attached and include the signature of the student and parent(s) or Teachers may be the witness.
  4. The Chapter will submit the best essay from each grade to the State State Chairman will judge the top essay in each grade group (8th thru 12th) submitted.
  5. The State Chairman will advance the top essay in each grade level to Supreme for Group
  6. Entry sheets must be signed by the Grand Knights with the Council number and Chapter on the bottom of the entry
  7. Students are not too have their name or signature on the Essay, only entry

NOTE: Please make sure that that the Council downloads the Supreme Essay Instruction sheet that is to be printed on the back of the Supreme Entry form. This instruction sheet is on the state website.

Group B

  1. The essay must be 250-500 words, typed and double-spaced. Hand written essays will be accepted but may result in a lower score if
  2. All Council submissions must have revised Council/Chapter/State essay
  3. Group B Entry form available on the State Website under Do Not use the Supreme Entry form.
  4. The signature of the student and the parent(s) or guardian is a Teacher may be the Witness.
  5. The top essay from each grade will be scored by the Council Chairman and submitted to the Chapter Chairman for Group
  6. Chapter Chairman will score top essay in each grade group and submit to State
  7. State Chairman will judge the top essay in each grade group (4th thru 7th) submitted to
  8. State Plaques & Gift cards will be awarded for each
  9. Entry sheets must be signed by the Grand Knights with the Council number on the bottom of Entry
  10. Students are not too have their name or signature on the Essay, only the entry

Group C

  1. The essay will be 500-700 words, typed and double-spaced.
  2. The top essay from each grade will be scored by the Council Chairman and submitted to the Chapter


Chairman for Group C

  1. All Council submissions must have the NEW State Entry sheet form attached and include the signature of the student and parent(s) or Teachers may be the witness.
  2. Entry sheets must be signed by the Grand Knights and the Council number on the bottom of the entry
  3. Students are not too have their name or signature on the Essay, only the entry sheet

Judging Criteria

All Essay competitions will be judged on the following 100 point system as follows:

  1. Content: Clear and logical presentation of theme Up to 35 points
  2. Grammar: Organization, sentence construction, Punctuation and correct spelling Up to 30 points
  3. Style: Creativity and imagination in the development of the topic and use of proper vocabulary Up to 35


July/October Order Kits for Group A from Supreme #EA-KIT50, on-line PDF as soon as you can. July/October Get Entry forms for Group B & C51 from the California State website where you can obtain the following documents:

  • Winners certificates for “KCIC” Essay and the “Catholic Stewardship”
  • Participation certificates for Group B &
  • A Winners certificate for all the Chapter

It will be the responsibility of each Council to download the certificates & print the number needed. Winner’s certificates should be printed on 8PT Glossy paper. Participation certificates on 110# paper. Any print shop can help you. (Staples – Office Depot) There will be an Instruction form for the Group A Supreme Essay to copy on the back of the Supreme Entry forms also with the Supreme topic.

August – Dec. 31 Contact Schools- – Youth Ministries, Faith Formation Coordinators and Church parishes. Council competition starts among schools. Publish competitions in Local papers/Church Bulletin & Community radio/TV announcements if possible.

January 30 Council level judging for Group C Winners only.

February 15 Council winners for Group C to Chapter Essay Chairman

March 01 Chapter level judging for Group C Winners to State Essay Chairman. Feb. 15 Council level judging for Group A & B Winners

Feb .28 Council send Grade A & B winners to Chapter Chairman

March 10 Chapter level judging for Group A & B Winners to State Essay Chairman

March 20 State level judging for Group A and B. Essays received after this date are disqualified.

April 1 State Essay Chairman sends Winners listing to State Program Awards Chairman for all levels 4th grade thru 12th grade for Awards.

April 15 Group A Winners Only sent to Supreme by April 20. Due Supreme to April 30 Winners will be announced at the State Convention.

Claire E. Tryon, Chairman

(925) 673-8564