Membership’s Directors Message

Rod Olguin

My Brothers,


Congratulations on achieving a leadership position in the Knights of Columbus. It is a great honor and privilege to serve as your new Membership Director this Columbian Year. My vision is to further Fr. Michael J. McGivney’s dream by being a Servant Leader who enables our State Council to sustain our excellent recruitment efforts to support our Bishops, our Parish Priests, and Community. It is about helping all Councils be a “Can Do Council” and growing the Knights of Columbus Order.

With COVID-19, our State Council responsibilities requires us to be creative and reimagine new ways to engage our fellow Knights and families. Actualize use of social media, such as Facebook by boosting Facebook Ads that demonstrate our good works and benefits of KofC membership which promotes the Order. Social media can be used as an instrument to reach out to former members and young Catholic men. Promote Online Membership. Additional, introduction of “Leave No Neighbor Behind “services and activities; such as, volunteering at local food banks securing wheelchairs for veterans, “Feed the Athletes”, etc. give potential members knowledge of our good works. Use of pulpit announcements will reach those who do not engage in social media. Use of current technical means of communication such as Zoom and GoToMeeting are also important modes of communication. All of these strategies are critical for the growth of our order during this pandemic and for the future. Someone said “necessity is the mother of invention” and as our Order, our leadership is taking on the challenge.

This Columbian Year we are changing our paradigm for membership recruitment. We established six state wide Engagement Teams to better focus on all aspects of membership at the local level.  Five of these teams have three chapters assigned to each of them, with members of the team from each of these three Chapters. The Engagement Team will focus on everything membership in their local areas. Also, on our three major goals for this year. They will work on NCD’s, zero performing councils and councils that are just lost to us and our mission. We selected these members from each chapter because they are recruiters, proven servant leaders and experienced Brother Knights. They will report to the Membership Director but will work with the Chapter officers in their local areas to best serve their councils. Our sixth team will focus on our Redwood Chapter which is a rebuild. We will meet monthly with all of our teams to review with them their goals and targets and where they are to our plan. As they complete the assigned targets and tasks, we will have more for them going forward.

Our single most important goal this year is to make your year as a council officer, Grand Knight, District   Deputy or committeeman both informed and enjoyable.    The goals are modest and achievable, if everyone does their part.  Our membership theme for the year is   Be Bold!  Be Proud of Who You Are and       What You Are!

Membership Goals


  1. Make all our Councils can do councils for their Parishes and Pastors.
  2. Fully embrace Faith in Action to all councils in the State.
  3. Help all our councils be Healthy Councils. Supreme has an example of a healthy council they call it a Star Council.
Rod Olguin
State Membership Director