Good Friday is a very special day for all Catholics. As part of the High Holy Days of the Church’s Holy Week Triduum, we reflect on the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus which is reflected by the red vestments worn by the celebrants. We are touched in mind and heart with God’s infinite love for us. To think that Jesus died on a cross – we are overpowered by God’s compassion and mercy. God could have saved us with a single word and yet he wanted us to know the depth of His love.

On this day, Jesus shows his great love for us by freely accepting the indignities of scourging and crucifixion. He accepted the destiny of dying for each one of us.

The Good Friday liturgy is made up of three main parts. The first part includes the Solemn Intercessions where we pray for all those entering the Church at the Easter Vigil, our Protestant and Jewish  brothers and sisters, and even those who don’t believe in God. The faithful  then  receive Holy Communion (consecrated on Holy Thursday since there is no mass on Good Friday) which is then followed by Adoration of the Cross. A collection is taken during the service for the Christians in the Holy Land.

The Good Friday liturgy is an excellent opportunity for Knights to lead their families in recognizing God’s great love for us. Councils should encourage their members to attend the liturgy as a family instead of as individuals. Knights should accompany their families to the altar both for Adoration of the Cross and for Holy Communion. The Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land  is  crucial  for  helping  the Christians living  there survive. As  you  know the Christians are a minority in the Holy Land often undergoing persecutions. In spite of this, their communities survive but your help is crucial to their survival. Knights should give generously to this collection and explain its significance to their families.

William J. Uberti, Chairman
(858) 842-4000