Worthy Brothers,

Autumn is upon us and with that the start of the rainy season.  We ask for Godā€™s protection from seasonal disasters and thank him for the many blessings we have received. He is our refuge and strength. 

October is the month to defend life through prayer, fundraising for ultrasounds and Aid and Support after Pregnancy programs. Each October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops provides free, easy-to-use materials.  As Knights we provide our support to defending life from conception to the natural grave all year long.  Orange Chapter and the Diocese of Orange will have a walk for life at Christ Cathedral on Saturday, October 5, 2024; OneLife LA and the San Diego Walk for Life is on January 18, 2025; San Franciscoā€™s Walk for Life West Coast is on January 25, 2025 and Sacramentoā€™s 5th Annual California March for Life, happening on Monday, March 31, 2025.

We are officially in the second quarter of the Columbian year.  I thank and congratulate all my Brothers on the fast start.  We have truly put our words into action.  I encourage you to keep an exemplification schedule and then have that membership church drive to fill it. Keep supporting Father and the Parish, keep making a difference in your communities and keep working on our own faith formation through Cor.

We are called to evangelize and invite Catholic men to join the Order.  The Supreme Council has started the Fishers of Men campaign on renewing a culture of invitation.  Remember, you too were invited to join the Order by someone.  Give someone else that same opportunity to be a better Catholic man, husband and father.

Your State Council per capita statements should have been received by the Councilā€™s Financial Secretary by U.S. Mail by this time. If you have not received a State per capita statement please contact our Worthy State Secretary Ken Rose at .

Your council statements from Supreme are available through the Orderā€™s website in the Reports tab in Officers Online and can be viewed and downloaded by grand knights, financial secretaries, deputy grand knights, advocates, treasurers, and membership directors.  A tutorial is available at  If you need a council statement sent to you send a message to  Remember, councils that have NOT paid their SUPREME per capita and dues by October 10 will be automatically suspended by Supreme.

God bless you and your families.

State Deputy 2024-2025


Dear Worthy Knights,

I am writing this letter on the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux known as St.Therese of the Child Jesus. She wanted to be a foreign missionary sister in Vietnam, but she was confined in Carmelite convent in France. God taught her wisdom that she does not need to do great things in order to be holy or great in the eyes of God. God then taught her a secret of sanctity is “to do a small ordinary thing with the great extraordinary love to God and others.”. This also becomes a motto of Mother Teresa of Calcutta who took her name from St. Therese of Lisieux. I think it is a good reminder for us as brother Knights that we are sometimes tempted to do great and big activities, but a little ordinary daily activities has incredible godly value.

St. Therese also taught us prayer as raising our mind and heart to God. Let us not forget to invite God in our prayer, daily activity and Knight ministry. October is the month of Rosary. We are invited by the Church to witness the power of Our Lady intercession. Pope Francis was in my country in Jakarta – Indonesia a few weeks ago. He had a big mass in the stadium. The rain had fallen down already near the stadium. People got ready with raincoats. Nonetheless, the MC priest asked people to pray a rosary. Miracle happened, rain did not come to the stadium. Alleluya!

October is the Respect Life month, we are reminded as defenders of life from conception to natural death. Let us continue our ministry day to day to be the Knight of Prayer, Knight of Eucharist and Knight of Life. God bless!

Vivat Jesus!

State Chaplain 2024-2025


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