Under Faith in Action, certain state and council officers/chairmen are required to take safe environment training and may also be required to provide authorization for a background check. Some positions also have access to Praesidium’s ARMATUS Administration dashboard to view member compliance within their council or jurisdiction.

Click here to take your safe environment training.

Safe Environment Program Training and Background Check Requirements – Table 1

Roles Training Required Background Check Required
                State Deputy Yes
                State Advocate Yes
                State Program Director Yes
                State Youth Director Yes Yes
                State Family Director Yes Yes
                State Community Director Yes Yes
                State Squire Chairman Yes Yes
Subordinate Council
                Grand Knight Yes
                Faithful Navigator Yes
                Program Director Yes
                Family Director Yes Yes
                Community Director Yes Yes
                Chief Counsellor Yes Yes
                Adult Counselor Yes Yes

If members in certain positions are not compliant within thirty (30) days of notification, they are subject to removal from those positions.

As the Service Program Personnel Report (#365) is being completed, ensure that all member email addresses are accurate. Praesidium, the Knights of Columbus’ safe environment partner, will use these email addresses to send email notifications to the program directors and chairs required to complete safe environment training and to provide authorization for a background check. Directors and chairs should look for email notifications from Praesidium in their inbox or spam folder for their assigned username and password to complete the required training and the link necessary to provide their background check authorization. Knights of Columbus covers all costs associated with these requirements.

Email notifications are unique to each recipient and cannot be forwarded or used by another director or chair and are also time sensitive. The recipient must complete the training and background check authorization within thirty (30) days of notification.