LIFE PROGRAMS: The urgency of the threat to the culture of life cannot be underestimated. Respect for life dignity of life demands a commitment to human rights at every stage of life.
As we approach Thanksgiving, let us recap the many State LIFE Activities and look forward to upcoming activities:
ACCOMPLISHED: congratulations on the many accomplishments in Life Activities such as Special Olympics, Walk for Life including the Orange Chapter at Christ Cathedral, Silver Rose, Ultrasound installations now approaching 170 installs in California and the many Councils and Assembly ASAP supports of the local Pregnancy Centers.
Regional Walks for Life in January (contact emails can be found in the Program Handbook):
San Francisco Walk for Life, January 25th contact Br. Feria, Co-Chair
L.A. Walk for Life (1-Life LA) on January 18th, contact Br. Richard Marciniak or Br. Michael Stauffer
San Diego Walk for Life on January 18th, contact Br. Michael Brault
Sacramento State Walk for LIfe on March 31st, contact Br. Charles Beltz
Chapters, Councils and Assemblies are asked to select one of the Regional Walks and to promote the Walk at their parishes and communities. Supreme assists Councils & Assemblies with many free supplies and information – just have your financial officer contact them.
Pregnancy Center Support – ASAP (Aid & Support After Pregnancy): Your Council should stand ready to assist any pregnant woman in need and also follow up care for the mother and child through your parish and local Pregnancy Center. Councils are asked to contact their local Pregnancy Center/s and assess their needs and assist them. A comprehensive list of state Pregnancy Centers will be sent to all Councils.
Options United endorsed by the California Bishops, Archbishops of San Francisco and Los Angeles along with the California Knights assist the Pregnancy Centers and expectant women in need
Options United plays a critical role today in our fight against abortion which has switched from an abortion center to dangerous abortion by a pill by mail for 2/3s of all abortions. You will receive a more detailed update next week on strategy to fight abortion by pill. In the meantime, you can contact Brother Thomas Rudkins, ASAP Committeeman –
ULTRASOUNDS: Councils are encouraged to contact their local Pregnancy Centers to see if they need and are capable with the Knights to use an Ultrasound machine. If so, Supreme stands ready to assist with 50% of the funding. So far, the California Knights have installed 169 ultrasounds with an additional 10 in process. Every ultrasound is estimated to save 1,000 lives equaling 160,000 future lives and growing – Knights should be proud.