My Brother Knights,
During this time of extraordinary need, you have truly responded to Jesus words, âwhatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to meâ (Mt. 25:40). I see all of you living by this yearâs motto, âshowing our faith through our worksâ. If nothing else, your prayers have meant so much. I am so proud to be associated with all of you and being able to call you my brothers.
Starting on January 7, southern California has endured the devasting effects of many wildfires ravaging our cities. Throughout California we have had 48,336 total emergency responses, 57,529 acres burned, 28 fatalities and 16,255 structures destroyed. The Knights have stepped up, donating funds, time and supplies. When there is a need, there is a Knight and the wildfires in Southern California has proven that over and over.
And despite all of this we continue on. January had three walks for life, OneLife LA, San Diego Walk for Life and the West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco. All well attended and all supporting life from conception to natural death. We had district deputy meetings, chapter meetings, council meetings, clergy nights and more. Our councils and members are doing many great and wonderful things. They are working hard to fulfill the mission, âIn Service to One, In Service to All”.
I urge you to fulfill your Knights mission by inviting one more Catholic man and his family to join the Knights of Columbus family. Be that Fisher of Men. Give them the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with God, empowering them to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community and country. We must share the blessings that we have received from joining the Order. âGo, therefore, and make disciples of all nationsâŚâ (Mt. 28:19-20). Ask, invite, bring them in online and exemplify!
Thank you for all you do! God bless you.
Yours in Christ
Jim Larson
California State Deputy
Dear Brother Knights,
As I am writing, we had 2 big events in our nation. The California wildfire and the collision of the airplane in Washington DC. Two days ago, I had a blessing to witness our Deputy State James Larson and some Knight leaders turning our donation check to Fr Febin Barose, C.P. at Mater Dolorosa Retreat House Sierra Madre where Knights almost one hundred years held the Knight retreat there. Fr Fabin gave a tour of the destruction and said that it is a miracle the main building of the retreat house was not burning. God moved the direction of the wind up to the mountain. They had some destruction of the office and lost an employee house building.
As we see and hear all the tragedies in our world, we might ask the question about God in the midst of our human suffering. I would like to share the reflection of Archbishop Gomez about our wildfire sufferings: In the midst of the suffering, we are precious in the Lordâs eyes. We are loved. St Paul said that nothing can ever separate us from the love of Jesus Christ! Not trial or tribulation, not famine and persecution. And not fire. In all these things, we can overcome, with the strength of God. We need to trust that in everything God is working for the good of those who love him, according to his purpose.
Tragedy makes us strong. This is our time to support one another and to take care of one another. Let us as the Knight of Prayer and Knight of Eucharist, we become the Knight of Action to help rebuild our cities.
Vivat Jesus!
Rev. Budi Wardhana
State Chaplain
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