As is well known by every Knight, Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney formed the first council of the Knights of Columbus in New Haven, Connecticut. There is an unwritten story that shortly after starting the first Council of the Knights of Columbus he was transferred to another parish where he started another council. Every time that he was transferred, he started another Council.
Father McGivney wanted to make sure that the Knights had representation in every parish. It is now our task to bring Father McGivney’s dream to reality. In California, we are blessed with an abundance of parishes and mission churches, many of which have no K of C representation. Father McGivney wanted his Knights to help Catholic men remain steadfast in their faith through the practice of charity, unity, fraternity and mutual encouragement. In order to accomplish this, it is important we have a presence in every parish and community of worship.
How can a Council establish be presence outside of their home parish? Simple, organize Round Tables in nearby parishes, or other language communities of worship in your own parish that have little or no Knights of Columbus representation. Round Tables serve to “reach out” out to other churches, ministries, the young men and ethnicities in the Catholic community thereby increasing our membership and participation. In parishes with multiple ethnic communities present where Masses are conducted in more than one language, Round Tables also serve as a unifying influence. In time, given a significant growth in membership, Round Tables may become Councils in their own right.
A Round Table Coordinator is one Brother Knight who will act as a liaison between the Council and an unassisted parish or group. Round Tables should be formed for:
- Unassisted Parishes – nearby parishes with no K of C Council
- Cultural Communities – an RT for each other language Mass
- Parish Young Adult groups
- Nearby Colleges or Universities – contact the campus ministry or Newman Center
- NOTE: An area Council that meets in a K of C Hall must submit Round Table Coordinators for each of the parishes that the Council claims
Each Round Table established by your Council will be an opportunity for Membership growth in Faith in Action activities are organized and run for the group or parish that is Round Tabled. Then be sure to invite the men who participate in the activities to join us for future events.
The first step in forming a Round Table is to meet with the Pastor. When meeting with the Pastor, it should be explained the Knights will support him to strengthen the Faith and unity of his parish. Review what the Knights have to offer in the way of services, fraternal benefits and volunteerism, and discuss the needs at his parish. Offer to give the Pastor a copy of the Faith in Action Guidebook (form 10590).
Ask the Pastor for his recommendations for leadership, and who should be approached to join. Following are steps suggested by the Supreme Council:
- The Grand Knight presents the parish priest with a Knights of Columbus overview brochure (Form# 4519), a parish Round Table program brochure (Form# 2632), the Faith in Action Guidebook (Form 10590), and a list of Brother Knights who are parishioners.
- If the Pastor is receptive, the Grand Knight of the sponsoring council appoints a Round Table coordinator.
- The Grand Knight completes the Report of the Parish Round Table Coordinator (Form #2629) and scans it to email to:
- Your District Deputy
A copy of Form #2629 can be found online at:
Remember that Councils are asked to submit form #2629 annually to verify the current year’s Round Table Coordinators.
If you need materials or assistance, please feel free to contact me directly.