This message is short and simple. If you are aware of ANY spiritual or Faith building gathering of Catholics in your area, Let the State Leadership know the details.
At conferences, men’s groups, retreats, parish missions and at Catholic speaking events you will find Catholic men who are actively engaged in their church. If they are willing to spend the time to be at a spiritual or Faith building event, they are the kind of men who will benefit from the Faith in Action activities of the Knights of Columbus. We want to invite them to join us.
Given adequate lead time, we will arrange to send Faith booklets, prayer cards, and membership recruitment materials to you and your team to use at a Knights of Columbus table at your local event.
For large Conferences or Presentations, we can arrange to rent a Knights of Columbus booth at the event. We may even be able to send a representative to help staff the booth along with your local volunteers. In addition, we may be able to offer an Online Membership discount for attendees of the event.
So, if you see a poster for a Speaker, or a Retreat, or a Conference or any gathering that brings Catholics together outside of their own parishes, let us know and we can arrange for a Knights of Columbus table or Booth at the event.