Joseph Hill & Larry Dietz, Co-Chairman

2020-2021 Statewide Membership Drives
QUICK START – AUGUST 8 & 9, 2020 (During COVID-19)
COLUMBUS DAY – OCTOBER 17 & 18, 2020
FOUNDER’S DAY – MARCH 13 & 14, 2021


My Brothers,

Membership recruitment as we all know is the basis for growth and the lifeblood of our Order. To a great degree, we need to sustain continued growth and recognize that greater challenges lie ahead of us. There is an urgent call for continued expansion of the Order. Meeting or exceeding our goal is first and foremost. Please take ownership of our brotherhood and lead by example, with a strong conviction and unparalleled commitment in making membership recruitment paramount and our top priority. Moving forward, as leaders and facilitators, let’s all walk-in unison; recruiting new members and serving as a good example to each and every one. Together, united in Unity, let us bring our great State Council to the next level.

Offer the gift of membership to every practical Catholic man. This gift will draw him more deeply into our Faith, enable him to feel community through the ties of Brotherhood & service, and will empower him to demonstrate spiritual leadership to his family and to the world.

We, the Knights of Columbus are known as the “Right arm of the Church” because of our support of our Bishops and priests. We change Lives and save lives. Our faith-filled activities are all related to the overall goal of living our faith and evangelizing. Our deeds and our actions serve as the cornerstone to membership recruitment.

Our goal for the State of California set by the Supreme Office this year is to recruit approximately 4,500 new members. As we set our goals, let’s all have one talking point, not just a mere slogan, but a course of action and the framework of our membership recruitment. You will be reminded of it throughout the year.


                     Every Member A Recruiter!

Recruitment is simple and every Knight has a responsibility, it can happen anytime, and any place. Believe it or not, less than 2% of our Brotherhood recruits’ new members to the Order. That is a number that needs to change. This year we are placing particular emphasis and providing incentives for the individual recruiter. Membership growth and the Health of our Council’s and the order is everyone’s responsibilities.

Like any other program, councils should follow a plan. Recruiters within councils are the catalyst and enablers of our membership program. In order to be effective, both a structure and a team must exist that implements a common goal. Over the years, recruitment has proven to be most successful when conducted in an organized fashion.

This year, statewide membership drives are scheduled for the following weekends:


QUICKSTART – August 8TH & 9TH, 2020 (during the COVID-19 pandemic)

COLUMBUS DAY – October 17th & 18th, 2020

FOUNDER’S DAY- March 13th & 14th, 2021

In addition to the three drives, all councils are encouraged to conduct a fourth recruitment activity on the date of your own choosing. It is suggested it coincide with another council activity or an important event (e.g. a fundraiser, Council Anniversary, Wheelchair Sunday or Parish Ministry Fair, for instance).

The State Council would like to be informed when councils conduct Church Drives in order to assist those who may need it or would like to have the help. Every council needs new members as a means of promoting council programs and leadership growth. As soon as you set up your drives please notify your District Deputy and the Chapter Membership team. Then in return via e-mail to the Recruitment Chairman in the North or South.

At the conclusion of each membership drive, the council should report:

  • # of Prospects
  • # of Transfers
  • # of Reapplication or Redamations
  • # Form 100
  • # of New Brother Knights from this drive

By the Monday after each Church Drive weekend, use this link to submit the results the current Church Drive:

Drive Results

Immediately after the Church Drive or other recruitment activity, the council should conduct an informational meeting and admission interview at the earliest opportunity, and assure the candidates take their exemplification as soon as possible. Another option during a Church Drive weekend is to designate a special Admissions Committee who will be there to interview candidates as soon as they sign the form 100. In this way, an Information Session / Exemplification Ceremony can be scheduled for Sunday afternoon or evening of your Church Drive. You could induct new Brother Knights the very day they sign up!

The Shining Armor Award KofC or State Council  (covered elsewhere in this section) should be highlighted by the District Deputy or the Grand Knight at each Exemplification.


Tips in Conducting a Successful Church Drive:

  1. Order a recruitment package from the Supreme Supply Department using the form at the end of this section (allow four to five weeks for delivery)
  2. Obtain permission from your Pastor to give pulpit announcements
  3. Advertise in council and parish bulletins and other media outlets
  4. Mobilize all members of your council and have a significant presence of the Knights of Columbus at your membership recruitment venues
  5. Set up informational tables at every door of the church. Have plenty of prospect cards and pencils on hand to distribute to each man as he enters the church.
  6. Invite every Catholic man to join the Knights of Columbus

To facilitate our Brother Knights’ journey into full Knighthood, each council should have an exemplification team and also a district wide exemplification team. This team will use the new exemplification script or video

If for any reason a council or district cannot form its own team, a joint Admission (1st) Degree team might be formed with a neighboring council. Likewise, a district might consider forming a joint Formation (2nd) Degree team with a neighboring district. In addition, we encourage the degree teams to schedule as many exemplifications as possible. Admission (1st) Degree exemplifications should be conducted by each team at least once a month (not necessarily on the council meeting night, but a date convenient for the candidates). Formation (2nd) Degree exemplifications should be conducted by each team at least once every two months. Each Chapter should schedule a Knighthood (3rd) Degree exemplification (through the District Deputies and State Ceremonial Chairman) at least once every three months.

Top Recruiters, Top Performing Councils, Districts and Chapters are to be congratulated and recognized for their efforts. Awards and incentives ought not to be the sole purpose of increasing our membership, but they are a testimony to the hard work, dedication and achievements of those who are successful.


2020-2021 Membership Strategies

Those councils particularly interested in growing the Order and legacy of the venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney might consider implementing an extended membership drive to meet their goals and objectives. Councils might consider turning one or more of their membership drives into an Extended Membership Campaign. Holding a 4 to 6-week, Extended Membership Campaign gives constant visibility to the Knights of Columbus. It allows your recruiters to show the men of the parish that the Knights are there to stay. Recruiting outside of each Mass for a month or more can build a rapport with those who are not yet Knights. Consider making at least one of your Church Drives into an Extended Membership Campaign.

Best Practices – Extended Membership Challenge:

  1. Each Council Considers an Extended Membership Drive (Full month or more)
  • Place council drive one Church Calendar
  • Organize council members into recruitment teams to cover all masses
  • Enlist assistance from the Chapter membership team, Engagement Team, Field Agent and or the State Recruitment team.
  1. Three Statewide Membership Drive Weekends
  • August 8TH & 9TH, 2020 (during the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • COLUMBUS DAY – October 17th & 18th, 2020
  • FOUNDER’S DAY- March 13th & 14th, 2021
  1. Family Membership Recruitment
  • Brother Knight, his wife and kids recruit
  • Brother talks to the prospect
  • Wife talks to the ladies
  • Kids talk with the Kids
  • Each tells how the Knights improve their lives
  1. Membership Recruitment Visibility
  • Set up a pop-up canopy with a table at each exit
  • Use a table skirts with printed Knights of Columbus logo
  • Display assorted recruitment flyers in different language, your own council flyer, old Columbian Magazines and more.
  • Offer prayer cards, how to pray the rosery cards as a gift
  • Recruit people as they leave
  • Maintain prospect cards (paper or digital) use a spreadsheet to keep notes
  1. Follow-up
  • Call contacts within 48 hours
  • Offer rides to the information session or the exemplification
  • Provide reminder calls the night before the information session and exemplification
  1. Information Knight or Exemplification
  • Schedule and information night in-person or via video conferencing
  • Bring families (Brothers, Knights, ladies and kids) to the information night or the exemplification.
  • You can do a combine info night and exemplification
  • Review Shining Armor Awards requirement
  • Allow the candidate time to introduce themselves follow the exemplification
  • Introduce the field agent and leadership team
  1. New Member Retention
  • Assign a mentor to call the new member monthly and invite him to council meetings
  • Remind him of council activities and events
  • Stress important of paying dues one time
  • Give him a task related to his interest (get him involved)
  • Verify that new Brothers are added to council phone tree and email list

My Brothers, accepting a leadership role in membership recruitment with no doubt, will be challenging but worthwhile and ultimately rewarding.

Thank you for all that you do for the Order.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Dietz- Chairman- South
Joseph Hill PGK, PFN, FDD, PCP Chairman- North
Membership Recruitment Co-Chairman
559-355-1897 (Joseph)
714-909-6711 (Larry)