Councils are asked to tie-in with a request by Pope Francis to support in prayer and observe at their local Parishes

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation – also known as Creation Sunday First Sunday in September.

Knights Councils can build on this to be as Part One of The 9 Day Novena For Life with their Families  and Parishioners gathering together (as their local situations may accommodate) Resuming on the proceeding Friday – and Continuing for each of the remaining Fridays in September.


October is “Respect Life Month” – those continuing to gather and pray their Novena For Life can Complete the Novena’s 9th Day on the last Friday in October.

The enclosed can optionally be supplemented with a Hail Mary or a Rosary as time may permit.  Councils may bridge other holy days with novenas in this fashion as well.

Novena Prayer For Life

Holy Spirit
At the dawn of creation
You brought order out of chaos
Light out of darkness
Life out of nothingness.

Breathe on us once again
And change this culture of death
Into a Culture of Life.

Inspire in your people
A spirit of generous welcome
For each and every life
No matter how unexpected or dependent
That life may be.

Holy Spirit
You are the Advocate
As you fill us with Yourself
Make us advocates
For the unborn and all the vulnerable.

Until we are all united
In the endless life and joy
of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
One God, forever and ever. Amen.

Dcn. John A. Charron, Chairman
(858) 705-5114