Lifesaving Choices Start With Heartbeats
–Helping to Save Lives -–

As Catholics and Knights of Columbus, we are committed to protecting the sanctity of life. And to that end, I ask you, what is more precious or defenseless than a baby growing in a mother’s womb? As such, we are charged with protecting these vulnerable babies. This may seem a daunting task, but thankfully, we have tools at our disposal to dramatically impact change in expectant parents. Nothing is more central to this call than the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Program.

Statistics suggest that over 80% of mothers and fathers who see an ultrasound image will choose to carry their baby to term. This begs the question; how do we facilitate expectant parents participating in the life-altering event that is viewing their baby’s beating heart? The first step is making sure there is an ultrasound machine available.

To that end, the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Program empowers councils to partner with qualified pregnancy centers to raise money for the procurement of these incredibly important machines that is then matched by Supreme. This incredible program has been going on for the past ten years and donated its 1,000th ultrasound machine on January 14, 2019, saving tens thousands of babies. With your help, we can save more.

Please act now, as a unique funding program may  allow the procurement of one  of  these  awesome lifesaving machines with the council and pregnancy center providing only ¼ of the cost.

Ultrasound Application #10716  and Ultrasound Diocesan Evaluation #10715 are available to assist with these efforts.

For more information and assistance, contact a member of the California State Ultrasound team:

George E. Brown, Asst. Chairman