The ACE Wings Award is a metallic Lapel Pin 2” wide x 5/8” high – with unborn baby’s feet in the center. The feet are the approximate size of a baby’s feet 10 weeks after conception. 

Requirements to Earn the Pro-Life ACE Wings Award

Participate in 5 events from any of the following:

  • Sidewalk Counseling Youth/Family Rally
  • Volunteer/work at a PRC or a Women’s Center Christian Service 4 Life
  • 40 Days for Life Campaign California Pro-Life Lobby Day
  • One of the 3 Major CA Cities Walks for Life Standing for Life Banquets
  • Host a Group Pro-Life Rosary Pro-Life Parades
  • Special Olympics Volunteer Prayerful Processions/Peaceful Protests
  • Entertain residents of either: Working/volunteering at either:
    • A Hospice
    • A Nursing Home/Assisted Living Center
    • A Veteran’s Hospital

As Practical Practicing Catholic Gentlemen, we are called upon to be Pro-Life from conception to natural death. This must include those who are forgotten and left to die. Since it is now legal in California to kill a baby in the womb and the law allows assisted suicide, to obtain the ACE Wings Award one must complete items that deal with our most vulnerable from life’s beginning to its natural end. Volunteering for Special Olympic events is included because many abortions are performed once it is discovered that the baby might have Down Syndrome, or some other defect. People who work in the Special Olympics are also to be commended.

Saying the Rosary privately for Pro-Life, or offering up a private intention at Mass, does not qualify for the ACE Wings Award. If a member requests a set of wings for a qualified spouse, council is billed (includes shipping) for the wings. Forms may be submitted at any time during the Fraternal Year.

ACE Wings are to be presented to the recipient by the District Deputy, Grand Knight, or if necessary, by mail. Anyone earning the ACE Wings Award is encouraged to continue to support Pro-Life events annually. However, only one ACE Wing Award can ever be awarded to a person in their lifetime.

Note: Council may award only one award to a Pro-Life individual in the community per year. If the Recipient is not a Knight leave the member number blank. Awards will be sent to the District Deputy for presentation to the Recipient

This Form is available on the Knights of Columbus web site. Complete the Form and mail to the State Culture of Life Chairman listed below.

Jeffrey S. Patino, Chairman
(650) 738-1065