The Knights of Columbus World Day of Prayer for Peace seeks to unite Knights, Catholics and all people of good will – regardless of their religious faith – in prayer for peace.

“The World Day of Prayer for Peace will bring to the world the Church’s message of peace and reconciliation, so that religion will always be a cause for mutual respect and harmony, and never for violence or hatred,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. “In a special way, we remember the brave men and women of the military who work tirelessly, even to the point of sacrificing their own lives, to bring about true peace rooted in justice,” he added.

The Knights of Columbus World Day of Prayer for Peace will be conducted on September 11. Councils, assemblies, and circles are urged to:

  • Work with your chaplain and/or pastor to coordinate a special prayer service, rosary or Mass for peace on September 11. Consider having military personnel, public servants, public safety personnel to serve as Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, etc.
  • Distribute copies of the World Day of Prayer for Peace prayer card (#9484) to members and make it available in local This prayer card includes a new prayer for peace from Pope Benedict XVI. Also, display the World Day of Prayer for Peace poster (#9483) in your council’s meeting areas, on parish bulletin boards, and in other appropriate areas.
  • Make the World Day of Prayer for Peace an ecumenical event by involving churches of other denominations and Invite them to join in any event as outlined in the CALIFORNIA STATE COUNCIL 2020-2021 SERVICE PROGRAMS HANDBOOK
  • The Knights can provide World Day of Prayer for Peace posters and prayer cards for distribution in their worship centers.
  • Sponsor a corporate Communion breakfast or after-Mass open Distribute World Day of Prayer for Peace prayer cards and arrange for the showing of the Heroes Fund video production.
  • Get approval for World Day of Prayer for Peace posters to be placed on parish, council and community bulletin boards.
  • Conduct a special membership drive or exemplification targeting military personnel and/or public safety officials in your community.
  • Make available to Knights and parishioners a supply of the Catholic Information Service (CIS) booklets Fifth Commandment – Moral Issues of Life and Death (#127) from the Luke Hart Series and A Scriptural Rosary for Peace (#319) from the Veritas Series.
Jimmy Aitchison, Chairman
(626) 627-1318