The main purpose of this initiative is to recognize and show appreciation for the altar servers who have served our clergy throughout the diocese. Altar servers from the parishes within each district will be invited to a special mass in their honor, where they will receive a certificate of appreciation and receive a blessing from the priest or Bishop. Additionally, the top (2) altar servers (1 boy and 1 girl) will have been nominated by their peers, and will receive a scholarship award to either a private Catholic high school or college.
Who is honored?
Identify the top altar servers in the diocese. Select one girl, one boy for this honor. You can give out a first, second and third place award in each category. All other altar servers who were nominated will receive a certificate.
Altar Servers Nomination Process: Send out a letter to all pastors with instructions on how to nominate their altar servers for this award.
Who should attend (other than the altar servers)?
Your Bishop, Priests, religious, deacons, family members, council members, Color Corps, and appreciative parishioners. Each council, or parish (that do not have a council), are asked to purchase one or more tables for the Appreciation Dinner.
Guests invited to the dinner are provided tickets purchased by the sponsoring council or parish ministry.
(Sample Agenda)
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Introduction of guests by MC. Best to have an informed master of ceremonies.
- Dinner
- Bishop presents KofC scholarships and certificates to the honored Altar Servers
- Program contains the list of all the altar servers nominated.
- Bishop is invited to speak
- Closing Prayer
Steps to Consider
Step 1: Contact your bishop to secure an open date for him.
Step 2: Secure a location and date for the dinner. (Include caterer)
Step 3: Put together a time table: (Mail out nomination forms, Deadline to return forms, date to
notify all priests, religious, deacons and councils, date to order plaques and/or certificates, date for award selection committee to meet, date to hire caterer.)
Step 4: Distribute Altar Server Award Nomination Form to Pastors (Form is in packet)
Step 5: Select committee to determine winners Committee meet to select winners
Step 6: Committee meet to select winners
Step 7: Invite participating councils, priests, religious to dinner
Step 8: Encourage councils to purchase a table
Step 9: Encourage councils to invite their chaplains and other priests and religious
Step 10: Have a great time at the dinner.
Donovan Serrano
916 529-7769