As of May 31, 2023, the following Brother Knights have completed the Pilgrimage to the Missions and have submitted their completed passports:

  1.  TW Starkweather
  2.  Jun Guinto
  3.  Noel Lingad
  4.  Jeff Rice

They have earned an opportunity for a trip for two to scenic Monterey for 3 days and 2 nights hosted by the State Deputy Rene and lovely lady Carla.  But it is not too late!  The deadline to submit your completed passport is June 30, 2023.  In the meantime, we still have four more exciting featured events for the last month of the Columbian year:

  • Saturday, June 10 at Mission San Jose in Fremont – Tour and at 5:30 PM ringing of the bells, procession, readings, and Founder’s Day Mass then, reception at the Patio Garden
  • Sunday, June 11 at Mission San Francisco de Asis – Mass at 10:00 AM followed by tours and reception sponsored by the St. Francis Chapter
  • Tuesday, June 13 at Mission San Luis Rey – Multi-cultural Mass at 6:00 PM in celebration of the mission’s 225th anniversary
  • Sunday, June 25 at Mission San Juan Bautista – Fiesta from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM with Mass at 10:00 AM

Thank you and see you at the Missions!

Sonny R. Santa Ines, PSD
Pilgrimage to the Missions Chairman