Unity of Prayer Movement for California
This unity of prayer movement is anchored by Prayers in the Pew ‘Official Prayer Cards, Monthly Newsletter, and Specialized 9 Days of Prayer Novenas’. Much more than a collection of prayers every Catholic should be acquainted, these tools present a platform for Knights’ Faith in Action initiatives whereby spiritual renewal is at the center. Enabling men to balance Faith, Family, Community and Life begins with answering the call to direct everyone to Get Back to Basics! This is the ONE program dedicated to feeding all other Parish Based Faith in Action Programs. Watch how it ushers in a new era of dialogue and formation while encouraging membership, prayer, and participation in all other Faith in Action Programs.
“We need to be careful to not just say prayers, but to ‘be’ men of prayer.”
~ Rev. John P. Grace, O.S.A
Why Now?
As dispensations for attending Sunday Mass are dropped, Sunday Mass obligation will be restored. All Hands…All into the Breach! Time for the Knights to take the lead and help everyone get Back to Basics with two primary Calls to Action:
What Actions?
Step 1 – Make a Commitment to Get to Mass on Time! Get to Mass early and spend time in quiet prayer to prepare our heart, mind, and soul for communion. Just imagine our priests and deacons being able to explain why Prayers in the Pew cards are in the pew!
“Get to Mass early; don’t calculate how late you can be.”
~Pope Francis
Step 2 – Revitalize our Prayer Lives personally and across our families and communities. Improve prayer life ‘at-home’ where individuals, marriages, and the whole family can implement into everyday lives. Essential private and community prayers together in one convenient resource, Prayers in the Pew™ card collection is intuitive and designed for usability at Mass, at-home or on-the-go.
Who Should Lead?
Knights are Called to Be Men of Prayer!
The Prayers in the Pew™ Men of Prayer program allows Knights to connect with all parish families in a unique way encouraging them to make prayer part of their everyday life. Just as with corporate communion, every council can come together to emphasize to the local parish the importance of getting to Mass consistently, on-time and to demonstrate that Knights are first and foremost, Men of Prayer. The constant reminder of the Prayers in the Pew™ combined with monthly supplements and pulpit announcements serves to inform parishioners regularly of Knights’ leadership role in the parish as well as their activities and intentions.
Tools for Victory:
- Prayers in the Pew Prayers Cards
- Prayers in the Pew Monthly Newsletter
- Periodic Specialized 9 Days of Prayer Novenas (Pro-Life, Family, more to come).
The Oh-So-Simple Council Jump Start
Prayers in the Pew™ –Approved for Parish Pews
Careful Selection of Prayers that every Catholic should:
- Learn and memorize.
- Join with the community as the priest can employ on demand to initiate a community prayer.
- *Recite early before Mass; hence, Early is On-Time!
Prayers in the Pew™– Family Edition
A direct extension to quantity efforts of Prayers in the Pew™, Home Edition is designed to:
- Establish a foundation of prayer for the family at home.
- Facilitate an up-building of the domestic church which each family comprises and as envisioned by Pope Francis.
- Lay the foundation for subsequent phases to evangelize in the public square.
Specialty Cards: Benefit with a 100% open rate for KofC promotional inserts (to be used ‘inside’ all the seasonal giveaway prayer cards (Family, Marian, Pro-Life, End-of-Life, Youth, Military, Examination of Conscience, etc.). *Stay-tuned monthly for these updates!
Prayers in the Pew _Monthly Newsletter:
Designed to engage parishioners in the pew with a desired frequency of communications for motivation, formation, and dialogue (Made available to Grand Knights on monthly schedule).
Support from all levels of the Church continues to pour in. Some highlights include…
“Please know of my prayers and support as you set out to implement this program throughout the Diocese of Orange and to mobilizing a unity of prayer movement across our State that seeks to link us all together for the journey of life and faith.”
~Most Rev. Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D. Bishop of Orange in California
“My hope is that The Year of Prayer Campaign anchored by the Prayers in the Pew program provide an opportunity for everyone to be strengthened in their communion with Christ and His Catholic Church.”
~ The Most Reverend Joseph L. Coffey Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
“A new collection of familiar prayers is being offered to us, printed on special leaflets, requesting that we use them regularly at home and in church. Let these flow from our hearts, in all sincerity, as our Church in prayer.”
~ Fr. John P. Grace, O.S.A.
“With Mass attendance and prayer at the heart of this effort, I encourage all Chapters and Councils throughout California to fully engage in this statewide commitment.”
~Very Rev. Msgr. Gerard M. Lopez, S.T.L., V.G.
Steps to Get Started:
Visit Prayersinthepew.com to get your Jump-Start Kit (Turnkey, Pastor approved materials, bulletin announcements, flyers, promo materials, etc.)
- Approve budget $150-500 to get started (tailored to fit ‘small, medium, and standard’ parish sizes).
- Discuss plans with Pastor
- Plan your distribution and prayer activities
If you are ready to elevate your community impact, council, and parish to the next level, connect directly with your Co-Chairmen, James Aitchison and Anthony DeBellis for a Step-by-Step COUNCIL LAUNCH Plan and questions along the way. Contact us at: 760-635-1122 or email info@sitStandKneel.com.
James L. Aitchison, Co-Chairman Anthony DeBellis, Co-Chairman
(951) 905-8685 760-635-1122