Into the Breach

The “Into the Breach” program is a “Domestic Church” activity designation as shown on our CA “Building the Domestic Church” page. This program has a wonderful program guide that is a .PDF document defining the entire program and its associated activities.


The younger Catholic generations are now in college and starting their early twenties and thirties and are looking for spiritual guidance. Whether it is attending religious education conferences or World Youth Day, reading “Into the Breach”, or joining a local young adult group, the young Catholics are looking for more than just attending mass.

In 2015 Most Revered Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix wrote the Apostolic Exhortation, Into the Breach. Bishop Olmsted wrote the exhortation to the Catholic men throughout his diocese as a guide to live their lives, but his words can go beyond the boundaries of Phoenix. The Exhortation shows men how to live their life from single to married to fatherhood. Now several years later the Knights of Columbus is using Bishop Olmsted’s work as guidance for the future Catholic men. The Knights of Columbus have worked with Bishop Olmsted to develop a study guide for college men to form discussion groups. This is just one example of a young adult spiritual formation that any council can sponsor in their area.

There are many young adult groups throughout the state that councils can build from and support. Some include Theology of Tap, Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, or local parish young adult groups. I recommend that the council chairmen work with their local parish youth programs.

When looking at organizing spiritual formation there are a few pointers. Begin with having the mentality for open programs to all young adults in your parish. Don’t make the event to be exclusive to just Knights of Columbus members. In addition to that don’t treat the events as membership drives, we need to let the young adults grow in their spiritual formation. Next, have a younger member lead in the groups and organization. But having some cross generations present is a great benefit. Lastly let the group flow and grow on its own.

Anthony Ransick, Chairman                      James Larson, Co-Chairman

(661) 742-8261                                             (213) 422-4834