Spanish Council May Newsletter – California State Council Highlighted!!
The original document was written in Spanish. The PDF document can be download here, or you may click on the images below. An English translation may be found below the images.

These prizes are based on earning the following trophies: the Columbus Program Trophy, the Father McGivney Membership Trophy and the Insurance Founders Trophy. Make an inventory of all the activities you have done this year and document them on the SP-7-S form. You need to have submitted forms 365 and 1728 to win the Colon Trophy.
The deadline for the 1728-S form has been extended until June 1, so there is still time. These awards are based on earning the following trophies: Colon Program Trophy, Father McGivney Membership Trophy and the Insurance Founders Trophy.
Make an inventory of all the activities you have done this year and document them on the SP-7-S form. You need to have sent forms 365 and 1728 to win the Colón Trophy.
The deadline for the 1728-S form has been extended until June 1, so there is still time.
If it exceeds the membership and insurance goals, the other two trophies are won and with the Colon Trophy, the “Star Council” award is won.
The “Double Star Council” award requires the same as the “Star Council” award with the difference that the membership goal is double, for example: if your membership goal is 7, then to earn the “Double Star Council” award you need 14.
For the insurance part, consult your insurance agent today so you can exceed your goal this year.
Father Juan Ayala and State Deputy Joseph Salaiz present the members of the new council 17242- San Ferdinand in San Fernando, CA
The Grand Knight in each jurisdiction of the Insurance Territories that heads with the most recruits (according to his Membership Fee) will participate in a raffle for 5 trips to New Haven for himself and his spouse. Grand Knight # 1 on the list will receive a trip to the Supreme Convention in 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In the month of May they should start having the elections of officials for the next fraternal year. It is important that they implement the ladder method in which the Grand Knight Deputy prepares to be a Grand Knight, the Chancellor prepares to be a Deputy Grand Knight, and so on. Logically, if the person is not trained or has not demonstrated aptitude or interest, this person should not continue in the progression. It is very important that the board of directors meet and agree on how the payroll will be presented for the election of its officers. It is always advisable that your District Deputy be informed and involved in this process.
For all of your activities, including monthly council meetings, talk to the priest to have them appear in the parish’s weekly bulletin. If the priest permits, put the name and telephone number of the Grand Knight or the Director of Membership on a permanent basis so that if there is interest from any man of the parish, he can communicate with the council to enter.
There are also posters that can be placed on the parish’s boards in different places to promote their council. If your parish has a school, talk with the dean to see if you can put these posters up. Posters are available from Supreme Council Supply Department # 4498-S.
Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán was born in Sayula, Jalisco, on Feb. 13, 1875. He entered the auxiliary seminary of Zapotlán el Grande in 1888, where he excelled in the study of the Spanish language, applying his literary abilities to his preaching.
Ordained as a priest on Jan. 4, 1903, he fulfilled his ministry with zeal and dedication. He became a parish priest of Unión de Tula, Jalisco, in 1925, and was subjected to persecution following the suspension of public services. Due to the harassment he suffered after January 1927, he sought refuge outside his parish, in Ejutla, Jalisco, which belongs to the diocese of Colima, where he continued to serve the spiritual needs of his parishioners.
At the height of the religious persecution, he was moved to say: “Soldiers may take away our life, but never our faith.”
On October 27, 1927, General Juan B. Izaguirre arrived in Ejutla, leading a large contingent of soldiers. Father Aguilar, named synodal examiner by a group of seminarians who, like himself, had taken refuge there from persecution, was just about to fulfill the duties of his office. They were alerted and everyone fled, except for Father Aguilar who stayed behind to burn the list of names of the seminary.
When he was discovered, the soldiers asked him to identify himself. “I am a priest,” he responded, knowing that his admission would mean that he would be charged with and punished for unjustifiable offenses and abuses.
Early the next day, General Izaguirre ordered for the priest to be hanged in the central square of Ejutla. When the rope was tied to the branch of a robust mango tree, Father Aguilar blessed the instrument of his martyrdom, pardoned his executioners, and made a gift of his rosary to one of them. They told him that he could save his life if he renounced his convictions by shouting “Long live the Supreme Government!” So a soldier asked him coarsely, “Long live who?” Without hesitating, he said “Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe!” They repeated the question two more times Speaking with difficulty, Father Aguilar still replied, “Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe!” After responding in this manner three times, he was hanged for his faith. His remains are located in the parish of Unión de Tula, Jalisco
Council #17085; “San Juan Evangelista de Riverside”; Riverside, CA
Council #17091; “Santo Pedro Mártir”; Pittsburg, CA
Council #1729; “Immaculate Heart of Mary”; Somerton, AZ
Council #17134; Cathedral of the Blessed Sacram; Sacramento, CA
Council #17167; “Sta. María de Natividad”; Salinas, CA
Council #3824; “Phoenix”; Winslow, AZ
Council #17192; “San Oscar Arnulfo Romero”; Hyattsville, MD
Council #17242; “Saint Ferdinand”; San Fernando, CA
Council #17245; “San Juan Pablo II de Gainesville”; Gainesville, GA
Council #17257: “Yakima”; Yakima, WA
Council #15686; “Mons. Pedro Luis Perez”; Hialeah, FL
Council #2492; “San Rafael Arcángel”; Los Angeles, CA
Council #15899; ”Juan Diego del Tepeyac”; San Diego, CA
Council #14375; “Santuario de Guadalupe”; Mecca, CA
José Jiménez
VP- Hispanic and Ethnic Membership Growth
(203) 800-4930
Luis F. Guevara
Director of Latinamerica
(203) 752-4673
Marty Yzaguirre
Coordinator- Hispanic Growth
(203) 645-3336
Chris González
Coordinador- Hispanic Growth
(203) 535-8591
*ASISTENCIA EN ESPAÑOL – Departamento de Misión Fraternal
(203) 752-4270 Opción #4